The first mix I've made of IDM type stuff, peppered with some other stuff. Giving a tracklist for once, because I'm so nice and awesome, and I know the 5 people who listen to this will probably want to know a track or two.
Well, I found out how to record through using my computer instead of the external recorder (some settings needed changing). Now weird audiophile perverts like Pyr0n can feel happier listening to whatever I make.
Here's a one hour, live-recorded mix me and a friend made a few nights ago. He goes by the name Wyrd the Cat and he's electro-breaks DJ who moved to Canada a few years ago. So with my dance music, and his electro-breaks, we decided to collaborate. As we both have Scandinavian heritage, we've named our DJ duo 'Norse Code'.
This is our first mix, and it goes pretty hard. You're doing yourself a disservice in life by not sticking this into your mp3 player (there's a download button on the right hand side).
Felix Cartal has always been one of my favourite DJs ever. About a year ago he made two songs with his homeboy named Keatch. Here's both tunes. I prefer Lunar, but Solar is good too. If you like him enough, you can go buy these tunes on Beatport in a few days. Give 'em a listen sometime! Ep comes out April 26th.
I've come to realize that if a DJ is going to make a mix that most people will like, they must play songs that are catchy and easily understandable for the ears. Simplicity over complexity. Oh, and a beat they can dance too. So there's this idea of simplicity. But also variance is important: making sure the ear doesn't get tired of one song over. In art that's called balance, but it exists in music too. But there should also be unexpected, but appealing noises. So just when you're thinking it might be getting boring, a new sound appears that begins to draw your attention. too many of these noises and your crowd gets overwealmed. Here again is the concept of balance.
Ever wonder why Skrillex is so popular? He goes hard, but then has soft breakdowns, then goes hard again. His songs are full of noises too, so the ear doesn't get bored, but it's not annoying as it's mastered well.
The DJ isn't trying to surprise the crowd, but IS kind of trying to surprise the crowd with how good the mix sounds. Even if a DJ drops in a song that's unexpected, it must go with the set, and be in time with the natural progression of the mix.
Now I'm not saying I'm all of what is written above, but I'm trying to get that way. This information can be applied to anything, whether it be painting, or relationships, or life in general.
I've also realized my second mix doesn't have enough balance in it, as it's too hard and too electro-y. I like it, but that's just me. We all have things we like and others don't like, but it's about appealing to the masses, but balancing that out with ones personal individuality.
I know it's like a 2 minute read, and that's more than most are willing to spend reading, but what do you think?
On another note, I just noticed John Roman posted a new remix, which is pretty dark, almost deep house, but definitely dance music. Hard to classify the man other than just 'dark dance music'.
First of all, I'd just like to say I'm really happy with this mix. So listen up when you wanna get pumped or whatever. It goes well with exercise or running or video games :P
I noticed after I had recorded the mix, my recorder didn't record in as much high fidelity as it usually does, so there's a little bit of static at certain higher frequencies, but it's barely noticeable, and I feel it kinda adds to the sound anyways to give it a more raw/live feel.
ALSO, for those who wanted to see my setup, click the Facebook button right under the title of my blog, and you'll see a picture of me DJing, which shows off my Hercules RMX and laptop :P Although I'll hopefully soon be upgrading my midi controller to something with better sound quality, sexier design and more knobs and buttons. The 'artwork' for this mix is actually an altered picture from the house party dancefloor as I was DJing in my facebook picture. (the more you knowwww!)
Also feel free to become a facebook fan of mine! I only have 34 facebook fans, yet Justin Bieber has over 25 million? That doesn't seem right.
All comments and feedback appreciated! New mix will be made sometime after 50 followers :)
Before everyone gets all up in my grill, I'll have a new electro mix up soonish, but in the meantime:
A year ago, I made a few beats and put them online. This rapper named Dawhud asked if I could send him one of my beats for an upcoming album he was putting out, which fuses Hip-Hop with Dub Reggae.
His album is coming out April 20th, called 'Dub Styles: Walkman Redemption".
I have the full version of the album and it's definitely a really good underground Hip-Hop album when relaxing in the summer heat.
My next Electro mix will be out soonish, when I get some free time from writing papers. Also if you're interested in the whole album, get in contact with me :D
This is by far the best mix I've ever posted. It's got a brand new remix of the new justice song on it, a remix of "IS YOU' but it's not the castlevania remix that i've been seeing on a lot of blogs, it's a fucking JFK mix and it f*cking kick a$s. At one point I drop 2 different songs over one song (excluding the song i blend with it and blend out. That base song touched 4 songs. It's completely live too, with no touch ups. SICK!
Seriously, this is the shit. I deleted my old mix I just made just to make room for it on my soundcloud. It's like 31 minutes of pure awesomeness. If you listen to this, and like it, post it on your blog! But none were needed because it's perfect. PERFECT! I'll probably edit this post later after I calm down.
So I realized I need a mix to play at parties that girls will like. It took me a few days to come up with an adequate playlist, then last minute I took out some songs and put others. My favourite part is around 5:22 :P and near the end too.
Give me your opinions. Like/Dislike. What you would have preferred? What kind of mix you'd like to hear next? All are appreciated :)